If you’ve checked all the other links on this website and you’re not quite sure which category your need lies in, you’re probably in the right place now.
Sometimes a service isn’t easy to categorize. Maybe you are thinking you could use a little help with this or that, but don’t want (or can’t afford) to hand over an entire project to a professional. Maybe you want to do it yourself, but you lack the confidence to get started. Or conversely, maybe you’ve got a project that’s nearly done, but you don’t know how to finish it. Maybe you really want a layout to be “all your own work”, but need some tuition to improve your skill in some aspect of layout construction.
If any of these scenarios describes you, maybe I can help. That is what this section is about.
Rather than taking over an aspect of layout construction entirely, I can instead work with you. You’ll have the peace of mind that the work is being done right, instead of wondering if you will have to tear everything out and start again. You will learn as you go, developing your own skills. Best of all, you’ll gain the satisfaction of knowing you helped to create something you once didn’t think you could. Maybe we’ll end up completing the project together, or maybe you’ll first reach the point where you feel confident in completing it by yourself after I leave.
One word of caution: Don’t make the mistake of thinking that working with me is going to save you money over what it would cost to simply hand over the project entirely. It won’t. Although I am more than happy to teach you as I go and show you any trick I know, it will slow me down. I will accomplish less per hour while training you than I would if I am left to get on with something alone, and I charge hourly. Depending on how much tuition you require and how many questions you ask, the difference in pace could be dramatic. Only you can decide the best balance of tuition vs. progress for your money. You know your own goals better than anyone.
There’s another side to this coin. Eventually, when you do get the knack of something, we will probably start to progress faster working together than either of us could working alone. At that point, you probably don’t “need” me any more, and it will be your choice as to whether you would like me to continue, or you would rather take it from there.
Whether you’re just looking for an hour of my time to answer some questions, or a full-blown week of hands-on training in your layout room, send me a query and tell me what you need.